Education in Arkansas.
"You're never too old to start learning, and you're never too young to aim high and achieve great things."
- Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas Governor
Schools Nearest to Hot Springs Village
Area High Schools
Fountain Lake School District
Jessieville School District
Mountain Pine School District
Christian Ministries Academy
College and Universities (Full-time enrollment listed)
Arkansas School for the Math, Sciences, and Arts - Hot Springs (UA System)
Arkansas Tech University - Russellville; 9,038 enrollment
Henderson State University - Arkadelphia; 3,528 enrollment
Henderson State University - Hot Springs Extension
National Park College - Hot Springs; 2,237, enrollment
Pulaski Technical College - North Little Rock; 8,396, enrollment
The University of Arkansas at Little Rock; 9,227, enrollment
University of Central Arkansas - Conway; 9,972, enrollment
Source: City-Data.com
Arkansas Department of Education
Johnny Key, Commissioner
Voter Registration Deadline
Congressional Districts
"Here in Arkansas, we are preparing a generation of learners to meet the needs of businesses by equipping students with workforce training opportunities statewide.” - Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas Governor