Spread the word.
Advertising opportunities for Chamber Members.
Digital Billboard
Affordable advertising for members only! Hard-working and highly visible your ad will be displayed in the Hot Springs Village Visitor Center, 24/7 day and night. Your ad will be there even when you can’t. Call for details at 501-915-9940 or pop us an email at the Chamber office.
Free Online
Business Guide - Each member gets a profile page that can have a logo, photos, video, business profile, hours of operation, links to your company website, Facebook, etc. Your member profile is login/password protected so you can manage information at your convenience.
Events Calendar - Members can submit information about their events that are open to the public.
Press Releases - Members can submit news stories for consideration for the Chamber blog and e-blast.
Hot Deals - Members can advertise their sales, special discounts, unusual offers. Members can change daily.
Job Postings - Members can submit job postings that can run for up to 30 days.
Volunteer Notices - There are thousands of people in the Village area who want to volunteer. Let them know about the volunteer opportunity that your business or organization offers.
Contact us about your Online Profile: email Chamber Office
Brochure Display
in the Visitor Center
The Chamber has a spacious Visitor Center lobby where members can display their business and promotional brochures. The brochure racks accommodate a standard tri-fold size, 9”x4”. The lobby is open 7 days a week. Free to all members. Contact us at 501-915-9940 or email the Chamber office.
Chamber Eblast
Get the word out about your press release, event, special pricing or discounts, and job openings, with the weekly Chamber Eblast. It goes to all member reps and main street interested parties. Free to all members.
*Your Events
* News Releases
* Job Postings
* Special Offers
* Hot Deals
Submit by email (jpg or png format please) to the Chamber office
Subject line: ChamberBlast
Annual Magazine
Our members are listed in the 'Comprehensive Guide and Directory' magazine each year. Members also have the exclusive opportunity to advertise at discounted rates. Contact us for advertising details and publication deadlines.
Email the Chamber office for details.
Welcome Baskets
Chamber members can provide items promoting their business in the monthly Welcome Baskets delivered to new residents of Hot Springs Village. These are simple promotional items with your logo/contact info, that the new residents will keep. Email the Chamber office for details.
Event Sponsorship Opportunities
Whenever the Chamber has an event such as Business Expo, there is an opportunity to sponsor that event and have your business front and center for all to see.
Map Ads
Members Only Advertising
The Visitor Center gives out thousands of maps every year to local residents and out of area guests as well. This is a perfect place for your business to be seen!